Project: NUStorage

NUStorage is a desktop inventory/finance managing application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Code Contributed

You can view my contributions here.

Enhancements Implemented

I was responsible for implementing the following features of NUStorage:

  • Inventory
    • Logic
      • Create inventory record classes
      • Edit inventory record classes
      • Find inventory record classes
      • Delete inventory record classes
    • Model
      • Inventory class
      • Inventory Record classes
      • Inventory Record exceptions
      • Integration of Inventory into Model
  • Test cases for the above

Contributions to User Guide

I contributed to the inventory commands for the user guide related to the operations listed above.

Contributions to Developer Guide

I contributed to the Model section of the developer guide, which documents how Model class works with Inventory and FinanceAccount during the execution of our programme and created the class diagram for Model class. I also ensure that all the diagrams in the developer guide are up to date and update them if necessary.

Contributions to Team Based Task

I helped my teammates with debugging of code and generate ideas on how to improve our code and functionalities.

Contributions to Other Projects

I helped review bugs for Team W11-1 as part of the PE dry run. I have reported a total of 15 bugs including some major bugs which will crash the program, and gave some feedback on possible improvements to their UI and functionalities.